A small caster idea
Hi, 6/8 of my characters are casters. I love using magic because its powerful and useful, both for support and offense. However thats not the issue, my real point is the weapons.
I suppose what im about to get at is opinion, but i think one person atleast might agree, that wands and staff skins don't recive the same time and energy from the designers as swords and axes. Much of the time i find myself wanting to just not see the focus or the wand or the ugly stick at all.
My suggestion(s) is small, and probably has been mentioned before but i think we could use one of several things:
a) Make magical gloves, or the ability to somehow mix your current wand/focus //staff with your current glove set (perhaps even add a glow of some sort)
2) just put a drop down list for focus/wands/staffs to turn them off from viewing.
This idea does not extend to melee weapons due to their reliance on the sharp objects to inflict damage, but can be atleast feasible with magical type weapons because caster classes shouldn't need a medium like a wand to effiently use their magic, and they can use it without the wand/focus/staff but they wont recive any bonus.
Please a thought, dont just put signed v_v